Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Anthology: Understanding Society

Andersen, Margaret T., Kim A. Logio, and Howard F. Taylor, eds. 2005. Understanding Society: An Introductory Reader. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Learning, Inc.

[I'm trying to read one "unit" per day (three or four articles). Expected date of completion: 5/28/2011. Anthology review to come once I've read all sources.]

This anthology contains the following articles and excerpts:
  1. The Sociological Imagination - C. Wright Mills

  2. The Forest and the Trees - Allan G. Johnson

  3. Not Our Kind of Girl - Elaine Bell Kaplan

  4. Sense and Nonsense about Surveys - Howard Schuman

  5. Body Ritual Among the Nacirema - Horace Miner

  6. September 11, 2001: Mass Murder and Its Roots in Symbolism - George Ritzer

  7. Barbie Doll Culture and the American Waistland - Kamy Cunningham

  8. Buy This 24-Year-Old and Get All His Friends Absolutely Free - Jean Kilbourne

  9. Leaving Home for College: Expectations for Selective Reconstruction of Self - David Karp, Lynda Lytle Holmstrom, and Paul S. Gray

  10. Navajo Women and the Politics of Identity - Amy J. Schulz

  11. Gender and Aging - Kathleen Slevin and Toni Calasanti

  12. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman

  13. Code of the Street - Elijah Anderson

  14. Life Beyond the Screen: Embodiment and Identity Through the Internet - Michael Hardey

  15. Clique Dynamics - Patricia Adler and Peter Adler

  16. Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture: Why Are Some Fraternities More Dangerous Places for Women? - A. Ayres Boswell and Joan Z. Spade

  17. Social Networks: The Value of Variety - Bonnie Erickson

  18. The Functions of Crime - Emile Durkheim

  19. The Medicalization of Deviance - Peter Conrad and Joseph W. Schneider

  20. The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison? - Jeffrey H. Reiman

  21. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx and Frederich Engels

  22. Great Divides - Thomas M. Shapiro

  23. Wealth Matters - Dalton M. Conley

  24. Studying the Quagmire of Welfare Reform - Sharon Hays

  25. The Garment Industry in Restructuring Global Economy - Edna Bonacich, Lucie Cheng, Norma Chinchilla, Nora Hamilton, and Paul Ong

  26. The Nanny Chain - Arlie Russell Hochschild

  27. Michael Jordan and the New Capitalism - Walter LaFeber

  28. The Souls of Black Folk - W.E.B. Du Bois

  29. Seeing More than Black and White - Elizabeth Martinez

  30. Immigrant America: Who They Are and Why They Come - Alejandro Portes and Rubén Rumbaut

  31. Color-Blind Privilege: The Social and Political Functions of Erasing the Color Line in Post Race America - Charles A. Gallagher

  32. The Social Construction of Gender - Margaret L. Andersen

  33. The Politics of Masculinities - Michael A. Messner

  34. Catching Sense: Learning from Our Mothers to Be Black and Female - Suzanne C. Carothers

  35. Challenges for Middle Eastern Women - Elizabeth Fernea

  36. Pluralistic Ignorance and Hooking Up - Tracy A. Lambert, Arnold S. Kahn, and Kevin J. Apple

  37. Masculinity as Homophobia - Michael S. Kimmel

  38. The Long Goodbye - Diane Vaughn

  39. Weaving Work and Motherhood - Anita Garey

  40. Family Rituals and the Construction of Reality - Scott Coltrane

  41. Divorce and Remarriage - Terry Arendell

  42. Caring for Our Young: Child Care in Europe and the United States - Dan Clawson and Naomi Gerstel

  43. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Max Weber

  44. Abiding Faith - Mark Chaves and Dianne Hagaman

  45. Are American Jews Vanishing Again? - Calvin Goldscheider

  46. School Girls - Peggy Orenstein

  47. Race in American Public Schools: Rapidly Resegregating - Erica Frankenberg and Chungmei Lee

  48. Racial Desegregation: Magnet Schools, Vouchers, Privatization, and Home Schooling - Loretta F. Meeks, Wendell A. Meeks, and Claudia A. Warren

  49. The Service Society and the Changing Experience of Work - Cameron Lynne Macdonald and Carmen Sirianni

  50. Toward a 24-Hour Economy - Harriet B. Presser

  51. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America - Barbara Ehrenreich

  52. The Power Elite - C. Wright Mills

  53. Diversity in the Power Elite - Richard Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff

  54. Forever Seen as New: Latino Participation in American Elections - Louis DeSipio and Rodolfo O. de la Garza

  55. Latinos' Access to Employment-Based Health Insurance - E. Richard Brown and Hongjian Yu

  56. Beauty Myths and Realities and Their Impact on Women's Health - Jane Sprague Zones

  57. Death and Social Structure - Robert Blauner

  58. American Apartheid - Douglas S. Massey and Nancy A. Denton

  59. Black, Brown, Red, and Poisoned - Regina Austin and Michael Schill

  60. Mobilizing mMinority Communities: Social Capital and Participation in Urban Neighborhoods - Kent E. Portney and Jeffrey M. Berry

  61. Generations X, Y, and Z: Are They Changing America? - Duane F. Alwin

  62. Jihad vs. McWorld - Benjamin R. Barber

  63. The Genius of the Civil Rights Movement: Can It Happen Again? - Aldon Morris